Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Life Designed by God - Book Review

Many may not have heard about this book? Yet it is really awesome:) I gave this book to a young man, and he said he couldn't put it down until he read 50 pages. "A Life Designed by God", gives you a whole different perspective about how you look from God's point of view. How He knew and created your life before you were ever a thought in your Mother's mind:)

The first chapter is titled: Your Days are Written: "Every adversity you will ever face, has already been provided for, but you must choose to enforce what Jesus has done and overcome the work of the devil that attempts to hinder God's design. He is the Creator; you're the enforcer. You're called to be an imitator of God. You are called to your promised land, not to the land of mediocrity. We serve a God who is more than enough! So, don't compromise His Greatness settling for marginal progress and average thinking."

This paragraph gives you a taste of how the book is written. I will write more later. I have really enjoyed too, reading this book:) Oh the author is: "Danny Diaz", personally I had never heard of him, but he is from Ponoma California.