Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fingerless Gloves

Been knitting away, my first obsession was purses, then scarves, now fingerless gloves. I didn't realize how comfortable they are, and how they warm you up, just enough. I remember in the old days, they would call them hobo gloves!

I know someone who buys regular gloves in the thrift store, she purposely cuts the fingers off. She likes the the comfort and not worrying about them getting ruined. When they wear out she just throws them away, and gets some more for .15 or .25cents.

These knitted fingerless gloves, I have to say are nicer than, those .15-.25 make shift gloves. Surprisingly, how many people are attracted, to want to get a pair themselves...when they see the ones I've been wearing.

So now I have a way to support my habit:) Knitting habit that is, selling a few gloves, scarves will help reimburse me for the money spent on yarn over the years. It is funny though, just like a beader or a scrapbooker, they never have enough beads, never have enough scrapbooking materials:) Right!

Well, better jump off here, for now, but would love to hear comments or followers who are knitters at heart. For those who love to knit not only yarn, but God's love in their hearts and others...well this is an added bonus:) "Have a Blessed Day!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Was able to offer some family members for Christmas, their personal choice of a scarf. They loved them, this not only added warmth for them, but added warmth to my heart. It made me feel good, to know they appreciated them so much, and realized how much work and love went into them.

Little do they know, that this coming Christmas, they will most likely get some fingerless gloves to match their scarves:) This is my goal anyway!