Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Flowing River of Life

So beautiful it is to be out in nature, to hear and see the movement of life:) As the river flows...our minds and hearts receive the visionary blessing of nature. In it's purest and truest form, we can enjoy the creation of life and interaction we are aloud to be a part of.

When is the last time you got out, spent some time by the river? is the time, to have some peace by the river of life:)

What an enjoyable day we had this day! Hope for a day like this for you, soon:)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It Has Been Some Time, Since I've Blogged A Message:)

I am so sorry, I haven't written anything new here for a while? That doesn't mean that the pen has been at rest:) The cares of this world, have really put a damper on me...lately. I have let myself get too caught up, in what's happening in the world around us! I think my head has been spinning too long. I stepped off the merry go round, and got on some solid ground. Looking up, gaining strength from our God above! Spring is here, and summer is on it's way! Flowers and more flowers blooming to brighten our days, and the air filled with such fragrant beauty:) Need to get outside more and enjoy this fresh air that we have, for as long as we have it? I know we all can take our days for granted at times, and not focus on the important matters of life...and why we live it:) The freedom to write and express our feelings, is such an awesome gift..we have in America! I know one day, our freedoms will be taken away...and we will miss our freedom of speech. So I encourage you writers, to continue to write as long as you have the ability to write.

We all have a message to share, a story to be told. Encouraging others along the way, our hearts are lifted, and our wounds are mended. On your next nice day, take your laptop, ipad, writing tablet to the outdoors, and breathe in some fresh air! Enjoy the sunshine and fragrance of the flowers, as you write. Write until your heart is content:) As I write this, I am committing myself as do this very thing 8-) To get out of my box, and write outdoors. While encouraging you, you are encouraging me! Have a Sunshine of a Day!