Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Time, is of the Essense!

Haven't been spending enough time in The Word! What a difference it makes in our daily lives, when we have our time with God:) He is the most important part of our Day!

Meditating on His Words, not the thoughts and temptations of this world. Wow, this is cool, just noticed something about that last sentence. You know how our enemy never has an original thought of his own, and wants to duplicate God, in everything. Satan will take what God has done and add to it. So for instance speaking of God and His Words, and Satan's temptations of this world...notice how similar the words are between the two? How Satan's words are the temptations of this world, not the pure word of God.

Notice below, how the original words....His Word and this world are changed by one letter in each word.

His Word
purity of truth
gives life to the soul
exposes the lies of the enemy

this world
lies of deception
gives death to the soul
adds to or takes away from the truth of God

Just as one event or one person can make a difference in our lives, so it is the difference when we choose to follow God's ways rather than Satan's ways!

Both have different agenda's to life, and the destiny of our souls!

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